(6) Rosanna Grape Coffee Mugs - 384ml

The Rosanna kitchenware set is designed in deep purple to be rich in colour, and high in quality!

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05/07/2021 13:57:00
R196,00 incl vat
Sea Miracle Wellness Booster is made of a rich infusion of Seaweed Extract, African Potato extract and natural oils that benefit the entire body as an all-in-one wellness tonic. It is rich in minerals and has soothing and healing properties when used topically on the skin. Harvested directly from the sea, its benefits include relieving many stomach ailments, assisting with respiratory difficulties, and helping to heal skin conditions. It has shown to be an effective energy booster and all-around “feel good” tonic.

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Picture of Acid Soothe 250ml
R155,00 incl vat
Taking this medicine • Shake well before use to ensure the product is mixed properly • Take this medicine by mouth • If necessary, TC Health Acid Sooth Suspension may be taken with water or milk Adults, the elderly and children aged 14 years or older • Take two to four 5ml teaspoonfuls • Take 15 minutes to 1 hour after meals and at bedtime • Alternatively, take as directed by your doctor If the symptoms do not go away, talk to your doctor Children less than 14 years old • TC Health Acid Sooth Suspension is not recommended for children less than 14 years of age Volwassenes, bejaardes en kinders van 14 jaar en ouer Neem twee tot vier teelepels  (5 ml) vol Neem die medikasie 15 minute tot 1 uur na etes of voor slaaptyd Alternatiewelik, neem soos voorgeskryf deur jou dokter. Indien die simptome nie verbeter nie, moet jou dokter in kennis gestel word. Kinders onder 14 jaar TC HEALTH ACID SOOTH® SUSPENSIE word nie aanbeveel vir gebruik in kinders onder die ouderdom van 14 jaar nie.

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Picture of Firm and Fab Slimming Herbal Tea Bags (20)
TC Health Slimming Tea with Fennel and Rooibos is specially formulated to stimulate the body’s metabolism, help suppress the appetite and reduce fat absorption. It is rich in antioxidants, and the natural properties of this Tea contribute to a faster weight-loss process. Slimming Tea helps to cleanse the body, eliminate toxins, boosts metabolism, aid weight loss, reduce cravings, support the immune system and naturally increase vitality and overall health. To achieve your goal weight, it is recommended that you follow a healthy diet, cut down on sugar intake, and exercise regularly.

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